Huawei unveiled the Watch Fit 3, its latest affordable wearable. The Huawei Watch Fit 3 looks same to same as the Apple Watch. It has a square dial with rounded corners. The rotating digital crown at the top right side and another physical button below Mimic the Apple Watches design.
The Huawei Watch Fit 3 is available in a range of six colors, Black, Pink, Green, Moon white, Gray and Pearl white. The Watch features a square shaped premium aluminum alloy body and a 1.82 inch amole display with curved edges on all four sides. The display boasts a High Peak brightness of 1500 nits and a 77.4% screen to body ratio. The watch comes with customizable watch faces which can be tailored to show preferred data or match personal style preferences.
The watch also facilitates easy navigation and functionality through a rotating crown and a function button. The watch Fit 3 supports over 100 workout modes. The Fit 3 will be a pack 32 gigabyte storage. This one will only have 4 gigabytes. It uses Bluetooth 5.2 to connect your smartphone.
The 400 mah hours battery promises up to 10 days of use and using A2 pin charging adapter it can be recharged back to full in one hour and 8 minutes.